
Friday, November 11, 2011

Dream Future

This Is about a page on facebook  Which helps in  Making your Dreams come true ....
This page is about Make your Dreams come true. Here you can get all freedom to Post and execute anything you want in feature .you can improve your Future but Past is past no one can change it .Here you can post anything which you see in your Dreams you want to come true. In this i have uploaded my work and many more things.. Check it out like animation , movies , videos , new effects,  tutorials, blog , news , play games , questions and many more. As i am showing my interest & my talent you can also Show yours here and it will be appreciated .
Thank You !!! 

Facebook Page  : Dream Future 

Our Dream For Future 

My dream for the future is written in my eyes.

It’s that we’ll have politicians who will speak and not lie.

It’s that “In God We Trust” won’t be a slogan, but instead a battle cry.

My dream is that our leaders will come in a rainbow of colors.

I dream that our country will be helped and accepted by others.

I’m dreaming that my generation won’t be the one remembered for its baggy pants.

But it will be one that the next generation can say took a stand.

My dream is that we can all dare to be different.

I dream we’ll stand on our morals and not be ashamed of them.

In my dream, the possibilities are endless.

In my dream, there are no excuses.

My dream is for all dreams to come true.

My dream is for the prosperous to be plentiful and the destitute few.

I’m dreaming a dream that my children will make come to pass.

This dream that I dream is one that will last.

The dream is not wholly mine, not partially yours.

The dream is ours to share as one powerful force.

I dream that unity will be our true definition.

I dream that more than expressing ourselves, we’ll be able to listen.

My dream stretches beyond four walls.

My dream is all for one, and one for all.

I dream that these words can inspire the future.

I dream that originality is what I’ll be known for.

I dream that your dreams will come true if you wish.

I dream that when I’m gone, I’ll be remembered for this.

Facebook Page  : Dream Future 

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